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Как мы выбирали лазерный сканер
Описывается опыт использования воздушных и наземных лазерных сканирующих систем в НПП «Геокосмос». Приводятся технические характеристики применяемых в настоящее время различными компаниями наземных лазерных сканирующих систем: Callidus 1.1 (Callidus),
Cyrax 2500 (Cyra Technologies), ILRIS–3D (Optech), SOISIC (NENSI). Обосновывается выбор наземных сканирующих систем серии RIEGL LMS различных модификаций.
How Did We Choose a Laser Scanner
S.R. Melnikov (Geocosmos)
#2, p. 45
Geocosmos experience of using aircraft and ground laser scanning systems is described. Technical characteristics are listed for the following ground laser systems: Callidus 1.1 (Callidus), Cyrax 2500 (Cyra Technologies), ILRIS-3D (Optech), SOISIC (MENSI). The reason for choice of the RIEGL LMS for ground scanning systems is substantiated. The main application fields are given for the scanner chosen.
How Did We Choose a Laser Scanner
S.R. Melnikov (Geocosmos)
#2, p. 45
Geocosmos experience of using aircraft and ground laser scanning systems is described. Technical characteristics are listed for the following ground laser systems: Callidus 1.1 (Callidus), Cyrax 2500 (Cyra Technologies), ILRIS-3D (Optech), SOISIC (MENSI). The reason for choice of the RIEGL LMS for ground scanning systems is substantiated. The main application fields are given for the scanner chosen.