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Радиолокационный космический мониторинг деформаций территории в районе Гайского ГОК
Приводятся результаты определения смещений земной поверхности методом радиолокационной интерферометрии по данным тридцати съемок, выполненных группировкой КА COSMO-SkyMed в период с апреля по октябрь 2012 г. Отмечается высокая эффективность, надежность
и точность предложенной технологии определения смещений, что было подтверждено наземными наблюдениями.
Radar Satellite Monitoring of Deformations in the Area of the Gaisky Ore Mining and Processing Plant
V.A. Gorbunov (Gaisky Ore Mining and Processing Plant JSC)
Yu.I. Kantemirov (Sovzond JSC)
#5, p 50
The results of determining earth surface displacement by the radar interferometry using data of the thirty surveys performed by the COSMO-SkyMed s/c cluster within the period from April till October 2012, are given. High efficiency, reliability and accuracy of the proposed technology for determining the displacement are marked together with the emphasize on the obtained confirmation by the ground-based observations.
Radar Satellite Monitoring of Deformations in the Area of the Gaisky Ore Mining and Processing Plant
V.A. Gorbunov (Gaisky Ore Mining and Processing Plant JSC)
Yu.I. Kantemirov (Sovzond JSC)
#5, p 50
The results of determining earth surface displacement by the radar interferometry using data of the thirty surveys performed by the COSMO-SkyMed s/c cluster within the period from April till October 2012, are given. High efficiency, reliability and accuracy of the proposed technology for determining the displacement are marked together with the emphasize on the obtained confirmation by the ground-based observations.