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Проектирование курортно-рекреационного комплекса в Сочи
Приводятся этапы и результаты проектных решений, выполненных специалистами отдела изысканий, генплана и транспорта компании CSoft и реализованных в проекте "Экологический курортно-рекреационный комплекс в Сочи". Показано, что сочетание программ AutoCAD
Civil 3D и GeoniCS позволяет максимально эффективно использовать преимущества каждой из них для решения даже самых сложных задач.
Design of the Resort and Recreational Complex in Sochi
T.А. Bogatova, A.I. Kuzheleva, A.A. Penkov, D.N. Pozhidaev, A.V. Smetanyuk, D.N. Stepanov (CSoft Company Group)
#5, p 21
There are given the stages and results of the design decisions made by the specialists from the CSoft department of research, master plan and transportation and implemented in the project "Eco- resort and recreation complex in Sochi". It is shown that a combination of the AutoCAD Civil 3D and GeoniCS software applications can maximize the benefits of each of these programs for even the most complex tasks.
Design of the Resort and Recreational Complex in Sochi
T.А. Bogatova, A.I. Kuzheleva, A.A. Penkov, D.N. Pozhidaev, A.V. Smetanyuk, D.N. Stepanov (CSoft Company Group)
#5, p 21
There are given the stages and results of the design decisions made by the specialists from the CSoft department of research, master plan and transportation and implemented in the project "Eco- resort and recreation complex in Sochi". It is shown that a combination of the AutoCAD Civil 3D and GeoniCS software applications can maximize the benefits of each of these programs for even the most complex tasks.