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Новые возможности проектирования автодорог в программе Plateia
Приводится описание модулей и их функций в последней версии программы Plateia. Отмечаются новые возможности при проектировании автомобильных дорог благодаря изменениям, произошедшим в модулях: "Местность", "Оси", "Транспорт" и "Поперечные сечения".
New Capabilities for Designing Roadways in the Plateia Software
A.A. Pen'kov (CSoft Company Group)
#6, p 61
A description of the Plateia software modules together with their functions is given. New capabilities are noted for designing automobile roads due to the changes in the following modules: Layout, Axes, Traffic, Cross Sections and Longitudinal Sections.
New Capabilities for Designing Roadways in the Plateia Software
A.A. Pen'kov (CSoft Company Group)
#6, p 61
A description of the Plateia software modules together with their functions is given. New capabilities are noted for designing automobile roads due to the changes in the following modules: Layout, Axes, Traffic, Cross Sections and Longitudinal Sections.