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Инженерно-геодезическое обеспечение строительства стадиона в г. Львове
В статье рассмотрены вопросы применения современных геодезических технологий для обеспечения строительства футбольного стадиона в городе Львове. Подтвержден факт, что условиях современного строительства сложных сооружений реальным является достижение точности
выполнения работ на уровне 2 мм.
Engineering-geodetic providing stadium construction in Lvov
R.V. Schultz (Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine)
M.V. Bilous, V.Y. Kovtun, V.A. Ignatenko ("Ukrgeodezmark", Kiev, Ukraine)
#5, p 22
In the article the questions of application of modern geodetic technology are considered for providing of football stadium construction in Lvov. A fact, that terms of modern construction of difficult buildings the real is achievement of accuracy of work implementation at the level of 2 mm is confirmed.
Engineering-geodetic providing stadium construction in Lvov
R.V. Schultz (Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine)
M.V. Bilous, V.Y. Kovtun, V.A. Ignatenko ("Ukrgeodezmark", Kiev, Ukraine)
#5, p 22
In the article the questions of application of modern geodetic technology are considered for providing of football stadium construction in Lvov. A fact, that terms of modern construction of difficult buildings the real is achievement of accuracy of work implementation at the level of 2 mm is confirmed.