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О проблемах геодезического обеспечения кадастра недвижимости
Приводятся результаты исследований, которые показывают, что местные системы координат МСК-50, МСК-67, МСК-69 и МСК-71, используемые для геодезического обеспечения кадастра недвижимости, не удовлетворяют существующим и перспективным требованиям. Предлагается
решить эту проблему путем уточнения местных систем координат по результатам наблюдений, выполненных спутниковыми системами точного позиционирования.
On the Problems of Geodetic Support of the Real Estate Cadastre
V.V. Alakoz (Institute of Cadastral Works)
V.V. Boikov, M.A. Monakhova, E.S. Peresadko (Scientific & Production Corporation "REKOD")
#4, p 11
There are presented results of the studies which show that the local coordinate system MSC-50, MSC-67, MSC-69 and MSC-71, used for geodetic support of the real estate cadastre, do not meet the both existing and future requirements. It is proposed to solve this problem by clarifying the local coordinate systems based on the results of observations made by the precise positioning satellite systems.
On the Problems of Geodetic Support of the Real Estate Cadastre
V.V. Alakoz (Institute of Cadastral Works)
V.V. Boikov, M.A. Monakhova, E.S. Peresadko (Scientific & Production Corporation "REKOD")
#4, p 11
There are presented results of the studies which show that the local coordinate system MSC-50, MSC-67, MSC-69 and MSC-71, used for geodetic support of the real estate cadastre, do not meet the both existing and future requirements. It is proposed to solve this problem by clarifying the local coordinate systems based on the results of observations made by the precise positioning satellite systems.