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Применение ГИС для изучения пространственной структуры древостоев
Приводятся результаты пространственного анализа сосновых насаждений естественного происхождения, выполненного средствами ГИС "Карта 2011". На конкретном примере рассматриваются возможности, порядок и результаты построения поверхности плотности распределения
деревьев в виде картограммы или карты изолиний.
GIS Application to Study Spatial Structure of the Forest Stands
A.F. Dudko (SE "Semenov Forestry" of the Chernigov Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, Ukraine)
S.V. Zibtsev (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev)
V.A. Slobodyan (National Aerospace University named after N.E. Zhukovsky, "HAI", Kharkov, Ukraine)
#4, p 26
Results of spatial analysis of the pine stands of natural origin, carried out by means of the GIS "Karta 2011" are given. Possibilities, procedures and results of constructing the surface density of trees in the form of contour maps, or cartograms are considered by the specific example.
GIS Application to Study Spatial Structure of the Forest Stands
A.F. Dudko (SE "Semenov Forestry" of the Chernigov Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, Ukraine)
S.V. Zibtsev (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev)
V.A. Slobodyan (National Aerospace University named after N.E. Zhukovsky, "HAI", Kharkov, Ukraine)
#4, p 26
Results of spatial analysis of the pine stands of natural origin, carried out by means of the GIS "Karta 2011" are given. Possibilities, procedures and results of constructing the surface density of trees in the form of contour maps, or cartograms are considered by the specific example.