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Защита растровых геоданных в ПО «Талка-ГИС»
Отмечается необходимость защиты от несанкционированного доступа и копирования картографической продукции, создаваемой и используемой в электронном виде. Подробно описывается технология защиты файлов с растровыми изображениями, реализованная в ПО "Талка-ГИС",
и ее дальнейшее развитие.
The Raster Geodata Security in the Talca GIS Software
V.B. Kekelidze (Talca-TDV) V.V. Kostin (Talca-GIS)
#3, p 13
The need to protect against an unauthorized access to, and copying of, the cartographic products created and used in electronic form is marked. The technology for protecting files with the raster images, implemented in the Talca-GIS software, and its further development are described in detail.
The Raster Geodata Security in the Talca GIS Software
V.B. Kekelidze (Talca-TDV) V.V. Kostin (Talca-GIS)
#3, p 13
The need to protect against an unauthorized access to, and copying of, the cartographic products created and used in electronic form is marked. The technology for protecting files with the raster images, implemented in the Talca-GIS software, and its further development are described in detail.