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Геологическое картографирование территории города Москвы
Создан комплект тематических геологических крупномасштабных карт территории города Москвы в масштабе 1:10 000. Он будет использован при планировании градостроительной деятельности города Москвы, ведении предпроектных и изыскательских работ, строительстве
наземных и подземных сооружений. Разработка геологических карт выполнялась с использованием ГИС-технологий.
Geological Mapping of the Moscow City Territory
S.G. Maiorov, B.V. Potapov (State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest")
#1, p 42
A complete set of the thematic geological large-scale maps of the Moscow city territory on a scale of 1:10,000 has been created. This set will be used for the Moscow town-planning activity, conducting predesign and survey work, building above-ground and underground structures. Working out of geological maps was carried out based on the GIS-technologies.
Geological Mapping of the Moscow City Territory
S.G. Maiorov, B.V. Potapov (State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest")
#1, p 42
A complete set of the thematic geological large-scale maps of the Moscow city territory on a scale of 1:10,000 has been created. This set will be used for the Moscow town-planning activity, conducting predesign and survey work, building above-ground and underground structures. Working out of geological maps was carried out based on the GIS-technologies.