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Универсальный модуль «Выправка» в ПО GeoniCS ЖЕЛДОР
Для решения задачи по установке железнодорожного пути в проектное положение в плане и по высоте в программе GeoniCS ЖЕЛДОР предусмотрен модуль "Выправка". Отмечается, что основным преимуществом этого модуля является наличие графического интерфейса, позволяющего
в процессе работы видеть положение оси железнодорожного пути на реальном плане и задавать любую геометрию ограничений. Описывается последовательность работы в модуле, включающая подготовку исходных данных, сглаживание и сегментацию, собственно выправку пути.
The "Vypravka" Universal Module of GeoniCS ZHELDOR Software
Yu.A. Kurilo (CSoft Goup of Companies)
V.I. Chesheva (CSoft Goup of Companies)
#5, p 50
The "Vypravka" module has been foreseen in the GeoniCS ZHELDOR software for solving the task of surfacing rails in the design position in both plane and height. It is marked that this module main advantage consists in the graphical interface providing for viewing the railway axis over the real plan while working as well as for specifying any geometry of the limitations. The module's operation sequence is described including the initial data preparation, smoothing and segmenting as well as the surfacing itself.
The "Vypravka" Universal Module of GeoniCS ZHELDOR Software
Yu.A. Kurilo (CSoft Goup of Companies)
V.I. Chesheva (CSoft Goup of Companies)
#5, p 50
The "Vypravka" module has been foreseen in the GeoniCS ZHELDOR software for solving the task of surfacing rails in the design position in both plane and height. It is marked that this module main advantage consists in the graphical interface providing for viewing the railway axis over the real plan while working as well as for specifying any geometry of the limitations. The module's operation sequence is described including the initial data preparation, smoothing and segmenting as well as the surfacing itself.