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Оценка лаборатории BERTL широкоформатных сканеров Contex серии SD 4400
Независимая организация по экспертизе и сравнительному анализу производственного оборудования BERTL присудила оценку четыре с половиной звезды серии широкоформатных сканеров Contex SD 4400. В статье приводятся выводы по каждому из одиннадцати параметров,
исследованных экспертами BERTL.
BERTL's Evaluation of Large-Format Scanners of the Contex SD 4400 Series
M.A. Martynov (Consistent Software Distribution)
#6, p 24
BERTL, an independent organization for expertise and comparative analysis of production equipment has given rating of four and a half stars for the Contex SD 4400 large-format scanners. The article lists conclusions on each of eleven parameters analyzed by the BERTL experts.
BERTL's Evaluation of Large-Format Scanners of the Contex SD 4400 Series
M.A. Martynov (Consistent Software Distribution)
#6, p 24
BERTL, an independent organization for expertise and comparative analysis of production equipment has given rating of four and a half stars for the Contex SD 4400 large-format scanners. The article lists conclusions on each of eleven parameters analyzed by the BERTL experts.