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Гиперспектральные технологии и оборудование для их реализации
Отмечаются изменения, произошедшие с момента публикации первой статьи этой серии. В частности, появился интерес к воздушным гиперспектральным технологиям, выполнена поставка гиперспектрального сканера CASI-1500 в компанию НИПИ "ИнжГео", компания ITRES
объявила о начале производства тепловизионного сканера TABI-1800. Приводятся технические характеристики и области применения гиперспектрального сканера CASI-1500.
Hyperspectral Technologies and Instrumentation for Their Implementation
E.M. Medvedev (GeoLIDAR Company)
#3, p 49
Changes occurred since the first article of this series has been published, are marked. In particular an interest in the aerial hyperspectral technologies has been revealed, the CASI-1500 hyperspectral scanner has been delivered to the CJSC "SRIDS "InjGeo", and the ITRES Inc. has announced of launching production of the thermal scanner TABI-1800. Technical characteristics of the hyperspectral scanner CASI-1500 as well as its application fields are listed.
Hyperspectral Technologies and Instrumentation for Their Implementation
E.M. Medvedev (GeoLIDAR Company)
#3, p 49
Changes occurred since the first article of this series has been published, are marked. In particular an interest in the aerial hyperspectral technologies has been revealed, the CASI-1500 hyperspectral scanner has been delivered to the CJSC "SRIDS "InjGeo", and the ITRES Inc. has announced of launching production of the thermal scanner TABI-1800. Technical characteristics of the hyperspectral scanner CASI-1500 as well as its application fields are listed.