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Оформление оригинала рельефа
Проводится подробное описание автоматической и полуавтоматической расстановки бергштрихов и нанесения надписей горизонталей при оформлении оригинала рельефа. На данные разработки, выполненные специалистами Институтом проблем управления РАН, подготовлены
и поданы заявки на выдачу патента.
Relief Drawing Customizing
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
A.V. Ivanov ("Talka-TDV" Research and Production Enterprise)
V.B. Kekelidze (Group of Companies "Talka")
V.V. Kostin
#1, p 44
A description in detail is given for the automated and semi-automated placing of hachures as well as for annotating the contours while making the relief drawing appearance. This work has been fulfilled by specialists of the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and patent application has been prepared and submitted.
Relief Drawing Customizing
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
A.V. Ivanov ("Talka-TDV" Research and Production Enterprise)
V.B. Kekelidze (Group of Companies "Talka")
V.V. Kostin
#1, p 44
A description in detail is given for the automated and semi-automated placing of hachures as well as for annotating the contours while making the relief drawing appearance. This work has been fulfilled by specialists of the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and patent application has been prepared and submitted.