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Атмосферная коррекция в ПО ENVI. Модуль FLAASH
Состояние атмосферы оказывает большое влияние на качество данных ДЗЗ. Описывается несколько способов атмосферной коррекции данных, их особенности и недостатки. Отмечается, что наилучшие результаты получаются при коррекции на основе заданных моделей. Приводится
описание модуля FLAASH, реализованного в ПО ENVI, и полученные после обработки спектральные характеристики космических данных ДЗЗ.
The ENVI Software for Atmospheric Correction. The FLAASH Module
M.A. Bolsunovsky, A.S. Сherepanov (Sovzond JSC)
#5, p 22
The remotely sensed data quality strongly depends on the atmospheric conditions. Several techniques to improve data for the atmospheric distortion, their advantages and disadvantages are described. It is marked that defined model correction gives the best estimates. The FLAASH module is described as a part of the ENVI software. Spectra resulting from processing spectral characteristics of the remotely sensed spaceborne data are also given.
The ENVI Software for Atmospheric Correction. The FLAASH Module
M.A. Bolsunovsky, A.S. Сherepanov (Sovzond JSC)
#5, p 22
The remotely sensed data quality strongly depends on the atmospheric conditions. Several techniques to improve data for the atmospheric distortion, their advantages and disadvantages are described. It is marked that defined model correction gives the best estimates. The FLAASH module is described as a part of the ENVI software. Spectra resulting from processing spectral characteristics of the remotely sensed spaceborne data are also given.