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Создание проекта планово-высотной подготовки на ЦФС «Талка»
При обработке материалов аэросъемки или космической съемки необходимо проводить полевые работы для определения координат точек планово-высотной подготовки (ПВП) снимков. Рассмотрена последовательность операций по подготовке проекта ПВП на ЦФС «Талка»,
который представляет собой накидной монтаж или фотосхему со всеми нанесенными точками планово-высотной подготовки снимок, а также увеличенный фрагмент с точкой ПВП.
Creation of a Field Compilation Base Using the “Talka” Digital Photogrammetric System
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.B. Kekelidze (“Talka-TDV” Company)
#5, p. 23
While processing aerospace imagery it is necessary to conduct field measurements in order to determine coordinates of the points of the horizontal-vertical tie-in control points in images. A sequence of operations is presented to prepare a field control project based on the Talka digital photogrammetric station. This includes either a preliminary compilation or a photo mosaic with the control points identified with a zoomed-in fragment containing a control point.
Creation of a Field Compilation Base Using the “Talka” Digital Photogrammetric System
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.B. Kekelidze (“Talka-TDV” Company)
#5, p. 23
While processing aerospace imagery it is necessary to conduct field measurements in order to determine coordinates of the points of the horizontal-vertical tie-in control points in images. A sequence of operations is presented to prepare a field control project based on the Talka digital photogrammetric station. This includes either a preliminary compilation or a photo mosaic with the control points identified with a zoomed-in fragment containing a control point.