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Методика высокоточного RTK-позиционирования морских судов
Приводится описание новой методики Moving Base RTK (RTK с подвижной базовой станцией), позволяющей осуществлять взаимное позиционирование судов в режиме RTK. Методика разработана компанией Trimble Navigation и позволяет вычислять 3D-вектор взаимного положения
базовой станции и подвижного приемника с сантиметровой точностью. Описывается реализации данной методики для решения задач судовождения (заход в док, швартовка борт к борту, определение ориентировки судна и т. д.).
A New Relative Positioning Technique for the Mobile Sea-Based Objects
V. O’Meagher (Trimble Marine Survey Group, USA)
S. Lightbody (Trimble Marine Survey Group, New Zealand)
#3, p 8
A new technique – the Moving Base RTK (Real Time Kinematics) or the RTK with the mobile base station – is described. This technique provides for mutual geopositioning of sea vehicles in the RTK mode. The technique was developed by the Trimble Navigation. It is based on the 3D vector calculation to mutually position the base station and the mobile receiver with a centimeter level accuracy. This technique implementation for ship navigation is introduced including docking, a board to board mooring, a ship orientation determination, etc.
A New Relative Positioning Technique for the Mobile Sea-Based Objects
V. O’Meagher (Trimble Marine Survey Group, USA)
S. Lightbody (Trimble Marine Survey Group, New Zealand)
#3, p 8
A new technique – the Moving Base RTK (Real Time Kinematics) or the RTK with the mobile base station – is described. This technique provides for mutual geopositioning of sea vehicles in the RTK mode. The technique was developed by the Trimble Navigation. It is based on the 3D vector calculation to mutually position the base station and the mobile receiver with a centimeter level accuracy. This technique implementation for ship navigation is introduced including docking, a board to board mooring, a ship orientation determination, etc.