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Особое мнение
О некоторых вопросах геодезического обеспечения кадастровой деятельности
Отмечается необходимость контроля точности предоставляемых геодезических и картографических данных для внесения их в Реестр объектов недвижимости и определения порядка мониторинга, предоставления и использования создаваемой и обновляемой геодезической
и картографической основы кадастра. От решения этих вопросов во многом зависит качество ведения кадастрового учета объектов недвижимости в кадастровых палатах.
On Certain Problems of the Geodetic Support of Cadastral Activities
V.I. Uchaev (Federal Budget Organization "Cadastral Chamber" of the Moscow Region)
#1, p 49
The need in controlling accuracy of the geodetic and cartographic data provided for their registration in the Registry of Real Estate as well as for specifying the monitoring procedure and for granting and using the being created and updated geodetic and cartographic cadastre base is marked. Quality of the real estate cadaster in Cadastral Chambers strongly depends on these problems solution.
On Certain Problems of the Geodetic Support of Cadastral Activities
V.I. Uchaev (Federal Budget Organization "Cadastral Chamber" of the Moscow Region)
#1, p 49
The need in controlling accuracy of the geodetic and cartographic data provided for their registration in the Registry of Real Estate as well as for specifying the monitoring procedure and for granting and using the being created and updated geodetic and cartographic cadastre base is marked. Quality of the real estate cadaster in Cadastral Chambers strongly depends on these problems solution.