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Нормы и право
Вопросы использования государственных фондов пространственных данных (2)
Приводится опыт передачи и обмена пространственных данных с учетом норм авторского права на картографическую продукцию и данные ДЗЗ, действующих в США. Анализируются экономические возможности свободного доступа к пространственным данным и правового регулирования
передачи и обмена пространственных данных как объектов интеллектуальной собственности в РФ.
Problems of Using State Spatial Data Funds
Ye.Ye. Matveeva, G.G. Pobedinsky, R.B. Yakovleva (Mapping Production Enterprise "Kartografiya")
#6, p 7
An experience of transferring and exchanging spatial data is introduced with due consideration to the existing in the USA legal rules of the copyright law on the cartographic products and the remote sensing data. There analyzed the economic possibilities of a free access to the spatial data as well as the legal regulation of transferring and exchanging spatial data as objects of the intellectual property of the Russian Federation.
Problems of Using State Spatial Data Funds
Ye.Ye. Matveeva, G.G. Pobedinsky, R.B. Yakovleva (Mapping Production Enterprise "Kartografiya")
#6, p 7
An experience of transferring and exchanging spatial data is introduced with due consideration to the existing in the USA legal rules of the copyright law on the cartographic products and the remote sensing data. There analyzed the economic possibilities of a free access to the spatial data as well as the legal regulation of transferring and exchanging spatial data as objects of the intellectual property of the Russian Federation.