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Широкая популяризация ГИС в России необходима
Статья знакомит читателей с ролью геоинформационных технологий в системе информационной поддержки управления экономикой развитых стран. Приводит причины сдерживающие внедрение ГИС-технологий в России. Предлагает использовать подготовку и проведение празднования
«Всемирного Дня ГИС» для успешного внедрения в России геоинформационных технологий.
GIS Widespread Popularization in Russia Is Essential
N.N. Kazantsev (GIS Research Centre, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
#6, p 3
The article is devoted to therole of geoinformation technologies in the information support ofthe developed countries' economycontrol. The reasons limiting the GIStechnology widespread application in Russia are described. It is proposed to take advantage ofthe preparation for, and holding, the World GIS Day in order to successfully introduce geoinformation technologies in Russia.
GIS Widespread Popularization in Russia Is Essential
N.N. Kazantsev (GIS Research Centre, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
#6, p 3
The article is devoted to therole of geoinformation technologies in the information support ofthe developed countries' economycontrol. The reasons limiting the GIStechnology widespread application in Russia are described. It is proposed to take advantage ofthe preparation for, and holding, the World GIS Day in order to successfully introduce geoinformation technologies in Russia.