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Повышение квалификации – ключ к обеспечению качества строительных работ
Отмечается необходимость обучения и аттестации персонала строительных компаний в центрах повышения квалификации, в связи с переходом строительной отрасли на саморегулирование. Рассмотрены требования к организации и объему занятий в центрах повышения квалификации.
Приводится опыт проведения курса "Геодезическое обеспечение строительства", разработанного Санкт-Петербургским государственным политехническим университетом и ЗАО "Геодезические приборы".
Advance Training - the Key to Providing Construction Works Quality
N.I. Vatin (St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University)
M.D. Alekseev (Geodezicheskie Pribory (Geodetic Instruments), St.-Petersburg)
#4, p 50
The necessity of education and certification of construction companies' staff at the advance training centers due to the building sector transfer to the self-control is marked. The requirements for the studies arrangement and scope at the advance training centers are considered. An experience of conducting the "Construction Geodetic Support" course developed by the St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University and Geodezicheskie Pribory (Geodetic Instruments) JSC is described.
Advance Training - the Key to Providing Construction Works Quality
N.I. Vatin (St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University)
M.D. Alekseev (Geodezicheskie Pribory (Geodetic Instruments), St.-Petersburg)
#4, p 50
The necessity of education and certification of construction companies' staff at the advance training centers due to the building sector transfer to the self-control is marked. The requirements for the studies arrangement and scope at the advance training centers are considered. An experience of conducting the "Construction Geodetic Support" course developed by the St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University and Geodezicheskie Pribory (Geodetic Instruments) JSC is described.